Faculty/Staff Directory
Dr. Karmen Lenz - PhD
Professor of English
Department of English
Phone: 478.471.5746
Website: http://facultyweb.mga.edu/karmen.lenz/
Locations: |
Office Hours: | Mondays and Wednesdays 11-12 Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:30-10:30 or by appointment |
Courses: | English 1101 English 1102 English 2121 English 2111 English 4600 |
Education: | Education: Doctor of Philosophy, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM (December 2004) Dissertation: “Images of Psychic Landscape in the Meters of King Alfred's Froferboc” (passed with distinction and awarded the Tom L. Popejoy Dissertation Prize for the best dissertation submitted to the University in Languages and Literatures from January 2002-December 2004). Committee: Dr. Helen Damico (advisor), Dr. Timothy Graham, Dr. Jay Rubenstein, Dr. Anita Obermeier, and Michael Demkovich, O.P. Master of Liberal Education, St. John’s Graduate Institute, Santa Fe, NM (December 1989) |
Publications: | Publications (Chronological) “Calcidius in the Old English Boethius.” Medieval Perspectives 34 (2019): “Teaching Milton’s Hell in Paradise Lost: New Paintings by Kathryn E. Lenz.” Culture in Focus: An International e-Journal of Educational, Literary and Cultural Studies 2.1 (Summer 2019) Web (peer reviewed) “The Vespers Antiphon in the Monastic Office for Saint Cuthbert.” Readers, Reading and Reception in Devotional Literature and Practice. Eds. Susan Usselman, Catherine Annette Grisé, and Kathryn Vulic. Turnhout: Brepols, 2016. Frofer and Ræd: Christian Poetics in the Meters of King Alfred’s “Book of Consolation.” Amsterdam: Rodopi (now Brill), 2012. Rev. Francis Leneghan, Medium Ævum 58.1 (2014): 140-41; Rev. Rhonda McDaniel, Carmina Philosophiae 13 (2014): 70; Rev. Britt Mize, The Medieval Review. Web. April 2014. 13 December 2015. “The Star-like Soul in the Metra of the Alfredian Boethius.” Anglo-Saxon England 39 (2011): 139-62. [peer reviewed] Meister Eckhart. “Sermon II.1: Feast of the Blessed Trinity.” Co-Translation with Michael Demkovich. AYCARDUS Project: Dominican Sources in Meister Eckhart, directed by Professor Michael Demkovich. O.P. 6 December 2010. (http://sites.google.com/site/aycardusproject). [Blackfriars Hall, Oxford University] “Liturgical Readings of the Cathedral Office for Saint Cuthbert.” Heroic Age: A Journal of Early Medieval Northwestern Europe 12 (May 2009) Web. [peer reviewed] Commissioned Review of Books: England in Europe: English Royal Women and Literary Patronage. University of Toronto Quarterly 88.3 (2019): “Section 4: Anglo-Saxon Literature.” The Year’s Work in Old English Studies 2010. Edd. Daniel Donoghue and R.M. Liuzza (= Old English Newsletter 45.2 [2014]): 48-62. [Book-length reviews are itemized below]: |
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