Faculty/Staff Directory

Kimberly Tucker - MSN-Ed, RN-BC

Kimberly Tucker

Assistant Professor
Department of Nursing

Phone: 478.274.7752

  • Dublin - - 114
    Phone: 478.274.7752
Office Hours: *Fall Office Hours*
Cochran Campus Dillard Hall Suite 219
Monday: 0815-0915, 1300-1500
Wednesday: 1300-1530
Thursday: 1300-1530

*Spring Office Hours*
Dublin Office 114
Monday: 1300 - 1700
Wednesday: 1300 - 1500
Thursday 1300 - 1500
Courses: NURS 1000: Foundations of Nursing Practice
NURS 1000L: Foundations of Nursing Practice Lab
Education: 2021: Master of Science in Nursing Education - South University
2011: Bachelor of Science in Nursing - Valdosta State University
Professional Experience: Medical-Surgical Nursing
Critical Care Nursing
Travel Nursing
Home Health Nursing
Occupation Health Nursing
Organizations: Toastmasters International - Middle Georgia Speaks - Secretary
Georgia Association for Nursing Education

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