Finding Greatness: Christian Weaver
Author: News Bureau
Posted: Friday, September 16, 2022 12:00 AM
Faculty/Staff | School of Health and Natural Sciences | Pressroom | Students | Finding Greatness
Macon, GA

As a biology major with a creative writing minor, Christian Weaver has found MGA to be a place where he can cultivate his scientific and artistic passions. He is currently applying for Ph.D programs as he pursues a dual career in plant pathology and writing.
Full Name: Christian Weaver.
Age: 23
Hometown: Lakenheath, England.
Residence: Warner Robins.
High School: Northside High School, where he was a BETA Club officer and also a volunteer at Houston Healthcare.
Family: “Credit to my wonderful, loving mom, Kimberly Tobias, who taught me determination and resilience.”
Employment: Field/lab researcher at the USDA studying peach tree genetics and scab fungus in pecan trees.
Degree Objective: Bachelor of Science in Biology with a minor in creative writing.
Class Rank: Senior.
Primary Campuses: Macon and Cochran.
Activities: President, English Studies Organization (Macon Campus); president pro tem, Science Club (Cochran Campus); Natural Sciences Network member.
Career Goals: “I am hoping to pursue a career in plant pathology. I am applying for Ph.D programs at Georgia State University and North Carolina State University. I have dreams of traveling and helping to improve global food security, integrated pest management, and restorative agriculture. Eventually, I hope to do research in plant-insect-fungal systematics in Australia or South America. As a writer, I plan to write nonfiction novels about my childhood and my connection with nature, which has sustained me. I also write fiction novels and poetry concerning the connectivity of my imagination with the complexity and idiosyncrasies of nature.”
He chose Middle Georgia State University because … “MGA is affordable and close to home. I originally planned on attending Yale or Brown University, but soon realized that I must pursue more realistic dreams. While my grades have always been good, they were not enough to secure scholarships that would allow me to attend a prestigious (AKA ridiculously expensive) university far away from home. I have no regrets. MGA has been a great college to receive an education and the convenience and affordability has allowed for me to prepare for the next stage of my life without college debt.”
The greatest thing he discovered about Middle Georgia State was … “MGA has some of the best professors in Georgia. The professors I have met during my 4 years at MGA have changed my life and inspired me to be a better person. They have challenged, encouraged and supported me through every opportunity I have pursued. Because MGA has lower class sizes, professors can give students more individualized attention that has been crucial for my academic success. MGA is very much a school whose substance comes from its people, professors, and students alike. After Covid-19 I learned to not take relationships and people for granted, and I will always cherish the professors at MGA that have supported me emotionally and academically. Get involved, ask questions, build connections, and work towards greatness. It’s the MGA formula for success.”
His greatest academic experience as a Middle Georgia State student has been … “Meeting and working with Dr. Rigsby, my research coordinator. Dr. Rigsby is a brilliant professor at MGA, and she has taught me how to be a self-reliant, inquisitive, thorough, and organized scientist. Her support and interest in my future has given me confidence and knowledge, which I will utilize for the rest of my life. Her willingness to work with me and develop our research has inspired me to accomplish my goals for the future. Also, special shoutouts to Dr. Sherry, the crazy bird lady with a heart of gold; Dr. Hancock, the man with the plan and a whole lot of oysters; Dr. Trayers, who kicked cancer’s ass while raising kids and reciting Emily Dickinson, all at the same time; and Dr. Standridge, who is, and I am not chytriding you, a really FUNGIrl.”
To him, greatness means … “Doing what you love and doing it well. MGA has taught me that greatness is not just a summation of our efforts, or the attitude we present day to day, but also the initiative we take to be fully realized individuals. Greatness is pursuing self-improvement for the sole purpose of being a better person.”
In five years … “I hope to be finishing a Ph.D program in plant pathology and looking towards government research positions in plant-fungal systematics. I also hope to have begun my career as a writer, which is where my heart will always be. I have a passion for information and sharing ideas, and I hope to inspire people to be tenacious, introspective and always curious.”