Finding Greatness: Taylor Toellner
Author: News Bureau
Posted: Thursday, November 17, 2022 12:00 AM
Students | Pressroom | Finding Greatness | School of Arts and Letters
Macon, GA

Taylor Toellner is an example of the ‘professional pivot’ that MGA’s interdisciplinary graduate programs facilitate. With an undergraduate degree in IT, she is now pursuing the Master of Arts in Technical and Professional Writing and supports the School of Arts & Letters as a graduate assistant.
Full Name: Taylor Nicole Toellner.
Hometown & Residence: Warner Robins.
Employment: “I currently work with Alutiiq as a technical illustrator and am a full-time grad student.”
Activities: Volunteer with the Democratic Party of Georgia and an MGA graduate assistant.
MGA Degree Objective Master of Arts in Technical and Professional Writing.
Other Degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies with a concentration in IT/cyber forensics from MGA, and an associate’s from GMC in Computer Sciences.
She chose Middle Georgia State for graduate school because … “I loved receiving my bachelor’s from MGA! The teachers were amazing, hardworking, and caring. They made my experience so I knew it be the same for my master’s! The degree program was also perfect for me and my interests.”
Her greatest experience as a Middle Georgia State graduate student has been … “I am loving the material we are learning. So far I would say that my favorite class has been Social Media Communication and Advertising. I didn’t realize how interested in the subject I truly am! I have also really enjoyed my experience and the challenges that have come with being a graduate assistant.”
To her, greatness means … “Choosing what motivates you, and then finding the discipline to push forward when motivation is no longer your main source of fuel.”
In five years … “I see myself still creating in some way. I would love to be working on theme park design in some capacity if it ever became an option! I have found though that life lays out the best path for you if you are patient and pay attention. As long as I am creating and learning new things I know I will be happy!”