Finding Greatness: Jackson Griffith
Author: News Bureau
Posted: Monday, August 28, 2023 12:00 AM
Finding Greatness | Students | School of Arts and Letters
Macon, GA

Musician, artist, and graphic designer Jackson Griffith, who is finishing up his MGA degree this fall, will work full-time with the Otis Redding Foundation after graduation, doing graphic design and helping with education programming. He is exhibiting his multidisciplinary art project called “Tired of 23” – also the name of his band’s forthcoming album - October 23-27 in the School of Arts & Letters lobby. The exhibit will close at 6:30 p.m. Friday, October 27, with a reception and concert.
Full Name: Joshua "Jackson" Griffith.
Age: 24.
Hometown & Residence: Warner Robins.
Family: Chuck Griffith, dad; Cecilia Griffith, mom; Abigail Landreth, sister; and Jeffery Griffith, brother.
Employment: “I am a full-time student, and a part-time musician and music instructor at the Otis Redding Foundation.”
Degree Objective: Bachelor of Arts in Applied Art & Design with a concentration in graphic design.
Class Rank: Senior.
Activities: “In 2019, I designed the logo for the MGA student paper, The Statement. Outside of MGA, I have been actively working with the Otis Redding Foundation's music education programming in downtown Macon. I also did a social media and marketing internship with them in the summer of 2021, which was wonderful.”
Career Goals: “I would like to be an educator, whether that be through a place like the Otis Redding Foundation or at a college level. I really enjoy helping people solve problems and get on the path to realizing their vison and achieving their goals. Being able to help a concept click with someone is extremely gratifying.”
He chose Middle Georgia State University because … “It was the most affordable school in the area that had the programs I wanted. At the time I enrolled, I was going for the Contemporary Musicianship degree. I later transferred to the School of Business, and finally moved toward the Applied Arts & Design degree program. Through each step of the way, I learned things from each department that I will carry with me through my career. My upcoming exhibit and concert will highlight all of the things I have learned at MGA – music, marketing and consumer behavior, fine art, and design.”
The greatest thing he discovered about Middle Georgia State was … “The community, especially in the art department. Both the faculty and the students invested in getting to know me and helped give me a boost when I needed to get through a difficult project or assignment. I'm especially thankful to Shannon Riddle and Luke Buffenmyer for always pushing me to go the extra mile in my work.”
His greatest academic experience as a Middle Georgia State student has been … “Working in the studio art classes. The collaborative environments that are fostered in those classes have been some of my greatest experiences in my academic career. One of my favorites was Hanna Newman's printmaking class. Everyone worked together to help each other out and make sure we reached our deadlines. My peers, specifically Rachel Harrelson and Makayla Johnson, challenged me to go above and beyond in my projects.”
To him, greatness means … “Doing the little things. So many details are overlooked because people think, ‘It's not a big deal.’ But the sum of all those little details is what makes something truly great. It's showing up every day, and not pushing those little things aside to deal with tomorrow. I also think it means being able to go out and get what you want. Don't throw in the towel at the first sign of resistance. Be resourceful, have a growth mindset, and don't confine all of your learning to the classroom.”
In five years … “After I graduate, I will be working for the Otis Redding Foundation full-time doing graphic design, in addition to helping with their education programming. I will also continue to write, record, and perform my own music and share it with people in Macon and around the globe.”
Griffith’s website: