Finding Greatness: Dr. Sabrina Wengier
Author: News Bureau
Posted: Tuesday, April 30, 2024 12:00 AM
Finding Greatness | Faculty/Staff | School of Arts and Letters | Pressroom | Honors/Awards
Macon, GA

Dr. Sabrina Wengier is the 2024 recipient of the Regents’ Felton Jenkins Jr. Hall of Fame Faculty award for the state university sector. The Hall of Fame award is given in recognition of individual faculty for a strong commitment to teaching and student success.
Full Name: Dr. Sabrina Wengier.
Title: Associate Professor of French and Humanities.
Bachelor of English, Université Lyon 2 Lumière, Lyon, France
Master in English, Université Lyon 2 Lumière, Lyon, France
Master in Comparative Literature, Florida Atlantic University, Florida
Ph.D. in Romance Languages, University of Miami, Florida
Describe your service to Middle Georgia State University and the community at large.
I am the coordinator of the Modern Language program and the Interdisciplinary Studies program. I was the advisor for the Women's Empowerment Association for 8 years and I am the current advisor for the Around the World Club, a club focused on discovering different cultures and having fun with languages. We have been working closely with the International Student Studies Association this year as well.
At the University, I have served on several committees, including Academic Affairs, and I was also the editor for the undergraduate catalog. In the community, I have served as judge for the United Way's Golden Eagles competition in the foreign language category and I also serve as a judge for National History Day.
What are some of your accomplishments as a Middle Georgia State faculty member?
I am currently on the QEP Steering Committee, which is a great way to be involved with a student success initiative at the institutional level. I have served as provost fellow with our Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning for the past two years. It’s been a rewarding experience to work with many faculty members who are passionate about teaching.
What do you like best about teaching?
My parents raised me with the idea that education is the key to a meaningful life. I am fortunate to do a job I love and to help students hone their skills and give them confidence in their abilities.
In your opinion, what does it take for students majoring in your discipline to be successful these days?
I teach in several disciplines (French, Humanities, Interdisciplinary Studies) but I think the answer is the same for all disciplines: adaptability. The world is rapidly changing and being able to adapt to a variety of people and circumstances will be key to success.
What would students be surprised to learn about you?
I am 3 belts away from being a black belt in Taekwondo; unfortunately, Covid put an end to my martial arts career when our dojo closed.