Finding Greatness: Channing Gray
Author: Sheron Smith
Posted: Wednesday, November 20, 2024 12:00 AM
Students | Pressroom | Finding Greatness | School of Aviation | School of Business
Macon, GA

MGA alumni Channing Gray is now at Johns Hopkins University working on a graduate degree in finance. His career goal is to enter the hedge fund industry as an analyst and eventually become a portfolio manager.
Full Name: Channing Gray.
Age: 23.
Hometown: Atlanta.
Residence: Washington D.C.
Currently: A graduate finance student at Johns Hopkins University, a private research university in Baltimore, Maryland.
MGA Degree: Bachelor of Science in Aviation Science and Management, Class of 2024.
Tell us about your career/graduate school path and some highlights of your professional life.
I am a graduate student studying finance at Johns Hopkins and my plan is to enter the hedge fund industry as an analyst and eventually become a portfolio manager. I am the founding president of the Alternative Investments Society at Johns Hopkins, the team leader for the Johns Hopkins University CFA (chartered financial analyst) research challenge team, and a member of the Student Managed Investment Fund.
How are your Middle Georgia State experiences benefiting you now in your career trajectory and in your personal life?
The economics class I took with Dr. Greg George of the School of Business was extremely beneficial and has helped me in my studies. It helped me form investment theses and strengthened my ability to argue my positions.
What advice do you have for students now studying at MGA?
Build meaningful relationships with your professors. You don't have to do this with every professor, but if a subject matter or class really resonates with you definitely connect with that professor. They have a wealth of knowledge to share, and you never know what networking connections could come from it,