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students with visual impairments. Sapp’s (2011) article, “Somebody's Jumping on the Floor:
Incorporating Music into Orientation and Mobility for Preschoolers with Visual Impairments,”
also clarified how it functioned as a reward in order to maintain or increase a desired behavior,
and performing as a structured activity for learning developmental skills.
Music and Movement

         Coleman in 2017 stated that verbal prompts from teachers could be reduced and that
students’ movement could be prolonged through the modifications of music structure. These
modifications could occur in the form of increasing or decreasing the tempo of music during
simple movements such as marching around the classroom or the introduction of dances with
correlating patterns.

         Movement through instrument playing. Utilizing instruments during music also serves
as an effective method of promoting purposeful movement because it allows the students to be
more hands-on during the process. This is often referred to as Therapeutic Instrumental Music
Playing, which helps to stimulate functional movement by introducing unique ways of creating
music according to Coleman (2017). However, this form of therapy can only be maximized when
the instruments are being placed in appropriate locations based on the students’ needs. Doing so
aids in emphasizing their concept of relative directions such as over, under, beside, etc., while
refining their fine and gross motor skills.

         Movement through music technology. Integrating technology into music also provides
a more dynamic approach to encouraging purposeful movement because it allows students to
produce music without having to be in physical contact with it. For instance, Coleman (2017)
introduced a new technology, referred to as Soundbeam, which translated body movements into
sound and music while being touch-free. The body movements are received by two motion

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