Page 95 - Middle Georgia State University - Knighted 2019
P. 95

Smith, Karen Y. and Michael J. O’Brien. “Swift Creek Complicated Stamped Pottery & Issues of
         Archaeological Classification.” The Missouri Archaeologist, Vol. 63 (2002). 53-70.

Smith, Marvin T. “Historic Period Indian Archaeology of Northern Georgia.” University of
         Georgia Laboratory of Archaeology Series Report No. 30 Georgia Archaeological
         Research Design Paper No. 7 (1992).

Snow, Frankie. Edited by Mark Williams and Gary Shapiro. “Pine Barrens Lamar.” In Lamar
         Archaeology: Mississippian Chiefdoms in the Deep South. Tuscaloosa: University of
         Alabama Press, 1990. 82-93.

Williams, Mark and Gary Shapiro. Lamar Archaeology: Mississippian Chiefdoms in the Deep
         South. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1990. 3-81.

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