Page 4 - MGA Today: Middle Georgia State University
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Middle Georgia State Students
Put Knowledge to Work
Cody Meek observes how DaQuan Brown, a 10-year-old student at the Georgia Academy for the Blind, uses a device called a
VisioBook. In the other photo, Meek examines two kinds of electronic braillers, the SMART Brailler and the Mountbatten
Brailler. Both have a Perkins-style keyboard layout allowing students to type in Braille. Meek is interested in a career developing
assistive technology. JESSICA WHITLEY
By Sheron Smith
P acked bookcases and clusters of desks people,” said Meek, a 25-year-old Warner Robins
create several compact learning areas in a resident graduating in spring 2016.
large, colorful classroom at the Georgia
Academy for the Blind. “This internship has certainly opened doors to
career possibilities I would not have dreamed of
In one of these cozy spaces, 10-year-old before. There is a lot of opportunity to use IT
DaQuan Brown demonstrates how he does math skills in ways that positively impact lives.”
assignments using something called a VisioBook.
A full-color reading device for visually impaired Helping Middle Georgia State students
users, VisioBook is just one example of the decide what they want to do with their
assistive technology found throughout the education is one of the primary goals of
academy, located in Macon. Experiential Learning@MGA, the University’s new
initiative in experiential learning.
As he closely watches the boy’s demo, Middle
Georgia State University IT major Cody Meek is Defined as “formal, guided and authentic
again reminded of how his internship at the experiences outside the classroom,”
academy is changing his life. Experiential Learning@MGA wraps administrative structure
around the many applied learning activities that
“My career goal has always been to find a way to are already taking place while paving the way to
apply my technical skills while working with add more.