Membership and Elections
Election Information
In accordance with the Constitution of the Georgia Collegiate Honors Council, officers for each year will be elected at the organization's annual business meeting, which is held at the GCHC conference in February.
The current Faculty Vice President of GCHC will succeed automatically to the Office of President, leaving the posts of Faculty Vice President, Student Vice President, and Student Member at Large open for nominations.
Any current member of the Georgia Collegiate Honors Council may announce candidacy or nominate another member for office. Those interested should submit a brief resume of the candidate's qualifications to Dr. Clay Morton (see contact information below) no later than two weeks prior to the business meeting.
Membership Renewal

Membership renewals are sent out electronically. Please look for your membership renewal form sent via email each fall. Once you receive your membership form, please take time to renew your membership and pay the annual dues. Annual dues: $50.00.
If you have questions about serving as an officer in the organization or about membership, please feel free to contact Dr. Morton at 478.471.5750 or at
Clay Morton, Ph.D.
GCHC Administrative Coordinator
Department of English
Middle Georgia State University
100 University Parkway
Macon, Georgia 31206-5145