Graphic Design

The Department of Media, Culture, and the Arts offers an exciting 21st century program in Graphic Design within the BA in Applied Art and Design curriculum. Coursework and class related activities encourage the investigation of contemporary directions in art, imaging, and visual communication in a wide range of media including print, interactive, web-based, and motion graphics. Assignments promote the development of projects that address diverse approaches to successfully communicate complex ideas. Technology, theory, and methodology are addressed as appropriate to the discipline to prepare students for success in a fast-paced continually evolving, technological, and theoretical environment. Through the combined experience of professional practices, internship, and senior project and exhibition, the students develop a cohesive portfolio for either admission to a graduate program or the pursuit of a career as a design professional. The BA in Applied Art and Design with the Graphic Design concentration also includes an embedded professional minor in fields such as Marketing, Business, Information Technology, or Professional Writing to help prepare students for the working world.