Information is a strategic asset of all University System of Georgia (USG) organizations and is critical to administration, planning and decision-making. Effective and responsible use of information requires that data is secure, well-documented, and accessible for use by authorized, trained personnel. To that end, Business Procedures Manual Section 12 provides the data governance infrastructure and management practices that USG organizations must have in place.

Data Trustees and Stewards
As the chief executive officer, the president of Middle Georgia State University is identified as the Data Owner.
The President designates the following executives as Data Trustees:
- Provost
- All Vice Presidents
- Special Assistant to the President for Accreditation & Strategic Planning
The following position appointees are approved and designated as Data Stewards by the Data Trustees as a whole. Ten (10) designated FDGC representatives for each division are underlined.
- Academic Affairs Division
- Academic Deans
- Advising officer
- Faculty Development officer
- Institutional Effectiveness officer
- Student Success officer
- Dean of Library Services
- Dean of Graduate Studies
- Advancement Division
- Development officer
- Marketing and Communications officer
- Finance, Business, and Operations Division
- Budget officer
- Facilities officer
- Financial Services officer
- Human Resources officer
- Information officer
- Public Safety officer
- Enrollment Management Division
- Admissions officer
- Financial Aid officer
- Registrar
- Office of the President
- University Counsel
- Internal Audit officer
- Student Affairs Division
- Student Affairs officer
- Athletic officer
- Career & Leadership officer
- Housing & Residence Life officer
- Student Engagement officer
- Title IX officer
Committee Structures
Global Data Governance Committee
The Global Data Governance Committee (GDGS) consists of all data trustees. The GDGS is responsible for defining, implementing, and managing policies and procedures for data governance and data management functions, under the guidance of the data owner. The chair and convener of the GDGC, as appointed by the MGA Data Owner, is the Special Assistant to the President.
Functional Data Governance Committee
The Functional Data Governance Committee (FDGC) is responsible for collective decision making around substantive changes to organization data collection, maintenance, access, and use within their functional area. These changes will generally be reflected in policies, procedures and guidelines to be submitted to the GDGC. It is the role of the FDGC to identify what the threshold is for decisions to require GDGC consideration.
The following representatives will serve on the committee.
- Data stewards appointed by the data trustees
- Chief Information Security officer (CISO)
- Institutional Research officer
Technical Data Governance Committee
The Technical Data Governance Committee (TDGC) is responsible for technical guidance to support the work of the other Data Governance Committees and for decision making about the feasibility of and methods for carrying out decisions of the FDGC.
Members of the TDGC will join other committee meetings when requested and meet separately as needed.
The TDGC consists of:
- Chief Information Officer (CIO) – Chair
- Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)
- Director of Enterprise Information Systems
- Director of Enterprise Systems Management
- Director of Network Administration
- Director of IT Services
A full committee membership roster may be found in the Data Governance Charter.