Brand Guide


Color Palette

Use the official university colors across all platforms. These colors should be the most prominent.

Color name HEX code Pantone sRGB
White FFFFFF 000c 255, 255, 255

Light gray

C9CED1 428c 201, 206, 209
Gray B0B6BB 429c 176, 183, 188
MGA purple 633393 267c 99, 51, 147
Dark purple 42337E 2685c 66, 51, 126
Black 000000 Black 6 C 0, 0, 0

Web Fonts


The University's logo should be visible on every page and direct visitors to the home page when clicked on the website. For printed applications, ensure that the logo is of high quality and is not distorted in any way.




For strategy and creative consultation for a website, reach out to

For technical questions about the website CMS, refer to Cascade User Resources