
MarComm oversees content on the top-level pages of the MGA website, and works with the web content team in the Office of Technology Resources (OTR) to develop and implement strategies for design, navigation, and usability across the entire site.

All university website content is managed via Cascade CMS (Content Management System). Refer to the guides below for more information on how to access, create, edit, and delete web content.



Web Content Best Practices


Image Size Guide

Type Width (px) Height (px) Ratio
Home page header image (hero image) 1920 1080 16:9
Header image (big-image) 1920 462 320:27
Horizontal 800 600 4:3
Vertical 600 800 3:4
Square 800 800 1:1

We’re also happy to consult with units of the University in developing and implementing web content strategies on divisional, departmental, and office web pages. Send us an email at for a consultation request.

If you need technical assistance or guidance using Cascade, refer to the Cascade User Resources.