Mandatory Training

The training listed below are the only Mandatory Trainings required by Faculty, Staff, and Student Workers. Any training outside of the training listed below must be approved by the Chief Human Resources Office and the President. If there is a need for mandatory training, please complete a Training Request Form. Training Request Approval: Middle Georgia State University (

USG Mandatory Trainings

Right to Know Training

As an employee of the State of Georgia, we are required to ensure you know about hazardous chemicals in the workplace. This right is guaranteed under Georgia’s “Public Employee Hazardous Chemical Protection and Right to Know Act of 1988” (O.C.G.A. 45-22-2). Complete the USG Right to Know training.

USG Ethics Training

The University System of Georgia (USG) is committed to upholding the highest ethical standards and conducting our operations honestly, honorably and legally. The USG ethics training provides insights to those important standards and expectations and is required of all new employees at the time of hire. Your HR representative will send you an email with your user log-in and temporary password to complete this required training. Additional refresher ethics trainings are also required periodically. In addition to the mandatory training that you will complete, we also encourage you to review and be familiar with the full USG Ethics Policy.

USG Ethics Refresher Training

We are excited to announce that a new ethics refresher training module with fresh content and an introductory message featuring Chancellor Perdue has been developed for use by each University System of Georgia (USG) institution. This training continues to emphasize our strong ethical culture and the importance of transparency and accountability in our role as state employees. As noted by Chancellor Perdue, "Ethics, like safety and security, is most effective when practiced daily. Homepage - USG Ethics Refresher Training 2023

Cybersecurity Awareness Training

This training will provide information on how to identify and report cyber threats to protect the integrity of the organization. You can expect an email from the USG Cybersecurity team during your first week of employment with instructions on how to complete this training.