
Cell phones are required to be set to vibrating/silent ring in the library. If you are planning on having a lengthy conversation (longer than 2 minutes), please move outside the library. All conversations, no matter the length, should be quiet. If you are having a conversation that disturbs others, you may be asked to leave the library.
Patron Groups:
Middle Georgia State University Library recognizes the following patrons:
- MGA Students: Students currently enrolled at Middle Georgia State University
- Faculty/Staff: Includes current faculty and all staff persons, including administration
- Community: Anyone with a local address who is not a MGA student or employee.
- UB Patron: Students from other colleges in the University System of Georgia
- Alumni: Former students or faculty from Middle Georgia State University.
Library Circulation PRactices
The following practices apply to all campuses:
- Non-circulating items may not be checked out. These items include magazines, journals, newspapers, reference books, microfilm, and microfiche.
- Reserve items may be checked out by MGA Students or Faculty, but most cannot leave the library.
- Users other than MGA students/employees must show a valid form of ID in order to be issued a library card.
- Books are generally checked out for 28 days with two renewals. However, for general circulating books, faculty and staff have a limited extended borrowing period.
- Patrons returning items that are past the due date will be charged per the table below.
- Patrons returning damaged items will be responsible for the replacement cost which is the actual cost of the item. Should the Library not be able to determine the estimated cost of a lost or damaged item, the replacement fee will be $50. Outstanding replacement costs will result in a block in the patron's BANNER record, preventing registration and the ability to obtain transcripts.
- A laptop will be declared lost after 11 days, the patron will be charged the replacement cost of the actual item (price may vary dependant on the laptop). The replacement fee will be waived if laptop is returned in working condition. Overdue fines will still be charged.
- Audiovisual material can circulate to faculty/staff between MGA campuses as long as the item is not on Reserve.
- Fines and fees:
Fines and fees may be paid via the following methods or through the SWORDS portal. SWORDS Payment Tutorial. Please note, once the payment has been made, a receipt must be shown to a staff member at the library circulation desk to clear your account.- Macon and Cochran: Fines are paid either in the Library and the Business Office.
- Dublin: Fines are paid only in the Library on the Dublin campus.
- Eastman: Fines are paid on the Cochran campus.
- Warner Robins: Fines are paid in the Business/Administration Office only.
BORROWING Practices for MGA LIbrary:
The table below reflects the Borrowing Practices at all Campus Libraries except Eastman.*
Fac/Staff | Students | Community/Alumni | UB Patrons/GIL Express | |
Borrowing Limit, General Collection | 50 | 50 | 5 | 50 |
Max Number Of Overdue Items Allowed | 50 | 5 | 3 | 1 |
Max Number Of Lost Items Allowed | 0 | 10 | 5 | 0 |
Max Number Of Claims Returned Allowed | 10 | 5 | 5 | 0 |
Max Outstanding Fines Balance | N/A | $10.00 | $10.00 | 0 |
Max Requests Allowed | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Loan Period, General Collection | 180 | 28 | 28 | 28 |
Renewals, General Collection | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
Loan Period, Best Sellers (Lease Plan) | 28 | 28 | 28 | N/A |
Renewals, Best Sellers (Lease Plan) | 2 | 2 | 2 | N/A |
Loan Period, Laptops | 14 days | 14 days | N/A | N/A |
Renewals, Laptops | 1 | 1 | N/A | N/A |
Fines Per Day, General Collection | 0 | .20 | .20 | 0 |
Fines Per Day, Best Sellers (Lease Plan) | 0 | .20 | .20 | N/A |
Fines Per Day, General Reserves | 0 | $1.00 | N/A | N/A |
Fines Per Day, Interlibrary Loan (No Grace Period) | 0 | $1.00 | N/A | N/A |
Fines Per Day, Laptops (No Grace Period) | 0 | $1.00 | N/A | N/A |
Overdue Grace Period (excludes Interlibrary Loan and Laptops) | 6 Days | 6 Days | 6 Days | 6 Days |
Exception notes:
- *The Eastman campus library does not check out any material to community patrons or GIL Express users.
- The Macon and Cochran campus libraries allow students to check out CDs/DVDs. On all campuses, any film in the regular film collection can be checked out by students for use. External drives are available for checkout when laptops do not have a DVD drive. Films that have been put on Reserve by faculty for a class may be checked out of the library for a limited time period based on the request of the instructor.
- MGA Library maintains Cooperative Borrowing Agreements with Wesleyan College, Central Georgia Technical College (CGTC), and Oconee Fall Line Technical College (OFTC). Reciprocal borrowing limits for Wesleyan, CGTC, and OFTC are 3 items (no media). Copies of these agreements are on file in the Circulation Office of the Macon campus library.
Middle Georgia State University Library
Collection Development Practices
I. Overview
Middle Georgia State University (MGA) Library will provide resources and services that support the mission of the University by:
- Developing and maintaining a balanced collection of materials to support and enrich the curricula of the University;
- Making the information and resources of the Middle Georgia State University Library readily accessible to all MGA students, faculty, and staff;
- Participating in networks and cooperative agreements between institutions to enhance scholarship and resource sharing.
II. Purpose of the Collection Development Practices
- To translate the University's research, instructional, and programmatic needs into collecting practices for the Library's collections;
- To describe the scope and nature of the collections;
- To provide guidelines and encourage consistency for librarians with selection responsibilities;
- To communicate the Library's collection practices to the library users.
These practices are intended to define a collection development strategy that meets the following objectives:
- To provide a current, diverse, and balanced collection through the acquisition of materials which support the instructional, institutional, and individual needs of the Library community;
- To provide a variety of materials presenting diverse views on current and historical issues;
- To encourage faculty participation in collection development and management;
- To consolidate and centralize access to resources whenever appropriate to serve all campus collections.
The MGA Library is committed to providing the best, most appropriate information to meet the needs of the Library community through the purchase of appropriate materials; however, budgetary constraints may affect the selection process.
III. Collection Development Goals
Those responsible for collection development at Middle Georgia State University Library strive to:
- Make informed and timely resource selection decisions based on carefully prepared, up-to-date collection development practices;
- Allocate the materials budget and perform selection in a systematic manner that maximizes coverage, minimizes gaps, and avoids unnecessary duplication;
- Anticipate as well as respond to users' needs;
- Engage with the complete life-cycle of items in the collection, including selection, use, storage, preservation, and possible withdrawal;
- Base changes on continuing evaluation of collections, evolving academic programs, and library use patterns;
- Participate in cooperative purchasing agreements with other libraries in the University System of Georgia;
- Follow principles of intellectual freedom as contained in the American Library Association's Library Bill of Rights
- Enhance understanding of the purpose and nature of collection development within the Library and the University community.
IV. Scope of the Library's Collection
Middle Georgia State University Library supports the teaching, research and services of faculty, staff and students. The Library collection corresponds with the size and range of the University's programs. Collections are adequate to support all MGA undergraduate, graduate, and doctorate programs as well as independent study in some subject areas. Special collections that have the potential for attracting scholars and researchers can be found in the Libraries' special collections.
- Roberts Memorial Library at Cochran
- The Terry Coleman Museum and Archive contains Mr. Coleman's political papers and the MGA Archives.
- The Middle Georgia College Archives and Middle Georgia State University Archives collect and display campus history.
- Special Collections contains items pertaining to Georgia and a few rare books.
- The Best Sellers Collection contains both fiction and non-fiction best selling items.
- Macon Campus Library
- The Special Collections contains a book collection devoted to horticulture.
- The University Archives contains the archives of Macon Junior College, Macon State College, and some Middle Georgia State University.
- The Current Fiction Collection contains both fiction and non-fiction bestsellers.
- The Faculty Development Collection contains books related to the scholarship of teaching and learning.
VI. Selection Responsibility and Guidelines for Materials and Resource Selection
Librarians at MGA collaborate with members of academic schools and departments to select materials that support the University and individual programs. The quality of content and support of the curriculum are the main criteria used to evaluate any items considered for the collections of Middle Georgia State University Library. The following objectives guide the collection development decisions:
- Acquire print, electronic, and media materials of lasting value that support the current and anticipated academic programs of the University.
- Acquire library materials that support the professional development of the faculty.
- Acquire materials that provide a general information resource for the University and local community.
- Acquire popular reading materials that will promote a life-long reading habit.
- Acquire a variety of materials to provide different perspectives on controversial issues.
- Acquire archival material pertaining to special collections including: Macon State University, Middle Georgia University, Middle Georgia State University, and The Terry Coleman Archives.
VII. Selection Tools
Aids for the MGA Librarians in the selection process consist of reviews from books and journals such as Choice, Library Journal, and College and Research Libraries News in addition to publisher's catalogs, and subject area bibliographies.
VIII. Selection and Acquisitions Process
- Requesting Books or Media: Faculty submit purchase requests using the Online Request Form located on the Library's web page. Once the request is received, it is assumed that discussion and agreement as to the expenditure has already occurred at the School/Department level and the request is forwarded to the Collections Librarian for duplication check and ordering.
- Requesting Journals: Journal requests should be sent to the Collections Librarian. Adding journals impacts future budgets and requires a review of formats and options. Increasingly, journals are added in electronic formats only. As a rule, journal additions and cancellations are made once a year. However, requests may be submitted at any time.
- Requesting Databases: Database requests should be sent to the Electronic Resources Librarian. Adding subscription databases impacts future budgets, so a budget review and trial is necessary.
IX. Selection Criteria
Criteria differ from one subject area to another, but in general the following factors should be considered in the decision to purchase a Library resource:
- Availability of copies in other University System of Georgia libraries or other research institutions in Georgia;
- Cost;
- Degree of specialization (whether the resource is likely to serve multiple interests or a more narrow range of users);
- Intended audience (scholarly vs. popular; university vs. lower-level, etc.);
- Language;
- Projected need based on use patterns of similar material already in the collection;
- Relevance to curriculum;
- Reputation and type of publisher;
- Reputation of author.
X. Microforms
The microform collections provide resources for research in a variety of subject areas. With the advent of electronic resources, microforms are not purchased as heavily by the Library as in former times. However, when microform is the only available or most appropriate format needed by researchers, the Library will make an effort to acquire it as funding permits.
XI. Audio and Visual Materials
The media collections of the MGA Library consist of commercially distributed audio and visual materials. Items for these collections are selected by faculty request or in support of the University curriculum.
XII. Electronic Databases and Books
It is the goal of the MGA Library to provide access to a varied selection of electronic databases. Many of these databases are provided through GALILEO. The cost of electronic databases will limit the number of individual databases that the Library can provide independently. In addition to databases, it is the Library's intention to provide access to e-books that are purchased either individually or as part of a collection.
Electronic resources provided by the MGA Library should:
- Represent materials useful and important to a significant segment of the MGA user community, or be pertinent for reference services, and reflect curricular and research needs.
- Be evaluated in light of other potential acquisitions, and weighed against other acquisition priorities.
- Provide improved access to or be an enhancement of current library collections.
- Be broadly accessible under current copyright and licensing laws.
- Be user-friendly.
One time purchases of and subscriptions to electronic formats are included in the library materials budget. The Dean of Library Services in consultation with the Collections Librarian and the Electronic Resources Librarian will make the final decision regarding the addition of electronic databases and e-book collections.
XIII. Periodicals and Serials
MGA Library maintains collections of current periodicals and serials. Each potential addition or cancellation is carefully weighed, taking into account current trends in the subject field, online full-text availability, and financial considerations. Budget limitations may require that current subscriptions of equivalent cost be canceled before a new subscription can be added.
In general, the electronic-only format, when available, is preferred for periodical subscriptions. High subscription costs preclude collecting both electronic and print formats in most cases. Electronic subscriptions has the advantage of increased accessibility.
Back issues of print periodicals are typically retained for six months.
XIV. Textbooks
Textbooks for courses offered by the University are generally not purchased, and other textbooks are seldom added to the collection because of the repetition of information included and because they are quickly outdated. Faculty members may place a copy of their course textbook on Reserve for student use.
XV. Popular Works
The MGA Library's primary collection development commitment is to the acquisition of scholarly materials supporting the University's teaching and research needs; however, on a limited basis popular reading materials are also acquired.
XVI. Multiple Copies
Duplicates are generally avoided across campus collections unless there is perceived need. Intercampus loan is encouraged but duplicates are acceptable when the need for more immediate access to the material is desirable, as in the case of duplicate classes and/or programs being offered on multiple campuses.
XVIII. Weeding
The process of weeding, or deselection, is a continuous and ongoing process necessary to maintain an up-to-date collection that reflects the needs of the University. Librarians make the final decision about which items should be removed from the collection. Materials that meet the following criteria are possible candidates for weeding:
- Items that are inappropriate to the mission of the University;
- Badly worn or mutilated materials (if they are important to the collection, they should be mended or replaced);
- Superseded editions;
- Duplicated copies of seldom used items;
- Serials for which we have no available index access;
- Periodical bound volumes of which the library also owns microform or has electronic access;
- Short, broken runs of outdated periodicals;
- Unsolicited and unwanted gifts;
- Obsolete materials (especially important in the areas of science and technology).
XIX. Cooperative Networks
Participation in library networks and consortia such as OCLC, Lyrasis, and GALILEO, supports our patrons' access to materials unavailable at the Middle Georgia State University Library.
XX. Intellectual Freedom
The MGA Library is responsible for maintaining a collection which represents a wide range of viewpoints to assist students in developing analytical, critical, and creative thinking skills.
XXI. Evaluation of practices and guidelines
The Middle Georgia State University Collection Development Practices are subject to review at all times by the library staff, and should be carefully reviewed every five years.
Revised September 2023.
Use of Library computers is governed by the Middle Georgia State University Computer and Network Usage Policies.
Library computers and printing within the space are limited to registered students and University employees through their MGA email account.
Information contained in MGA’s instance of GALILEO is accessible to community patrons by appointment with a librarian. Prospective students will be referred to the appropriate office to complete the admissions process.
Users may not:
- Make any attempt to damage computer equipment or software.
- Use any Library computer for any illegal or criminal purpose.
- Violate copyright laws or software licensing agreements in their use of Library computers.
- Engage in any activity that is deliberately and maliciously offensive, libelous, or slanderous.
- Log in other users.
Restriction of a child's access to the Internet is the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian.
The MGA Library computers are primarily intended for research and academic related information retrieval. Research/academic use always takes precedence over recreation/personal use.
Students begin each semester with forty dollars in their printing account. Your account will debit the amount needed each time. This money does not roll over the next semester. Repeat, it does not roll over! Black and white prints cost ten cents a page (front and back is still ten cents) and color prints costs fifty cents per page (front and back does not work for this one). The pop-up window will tell the student how much they have in their account and how much each print job is.
For example, if you need to print a paper that is ten pages one-sided in black and white, the amount of one dollar will be debited. If you need to print a paper that is twenty pages long in black and white, but you print double-sided, it is still one dollar. A ten-page color presentation will debit five dollars regardless of if it is one sided or double sided. Students can print as many pages as needed at any given time. Students will need to add to the allowance if they use the entire amount in the semester. This can be done at the service desk or online using the Swords account fee system.
Students can inquire about their balance at the service desk or using the library’s chat function.
Students needing to print large format items will need to make an appointment with a Makerspace in Cochran or Macon. Please click here (https://guides.mga.edu/maker) for more information.
All visitors to the MGA Library are expected to be courteous to Library employee, other users, and comply with the conduct practices and with any other directions employees deem necessary to maintain the safety of all visitors. Failure to comply with staff requests, directions, or instructions may result in loss of privileges, including removal from the building. Campus police will be called to handle any situation that is threatening or harmful to either staff or other patrons. Patrons displaying harmful or threatening behavior may be banned from the library and must meet with the MGA Chief of Police and the Dean of Library Services to regain access to the Library.
Food and covered/capped drinks are permitted in MGA campus libraries with the following stipulations related to computer areas. Please follow a 'leave no trace' model and leave the areas as you found them.
- No food of any kind is permitted at any computer.
- Covered/capped drinks are permitted at computers.
- Food and covered/capped drinks are permitted in group study rooms at the group study table. If the study room has a computer, food is not permitted at the computer.
- Purpose
The purpose of Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is to provide access to materials that are not found in the Middle Georgia State University Library and not available through GIL Express. - Eligible Patrons
Interlibrary Loan service is offered only to current Middle Georgia State University students, faculty, retired faculty, and staff. - Limits on Requests
Undergraduate students may request up to 25 books at any one time through interlibrary loan. Masters students may request up to 40 books and Doctoral students my request up to 60 at any one time. There is no limit to the number of articles a patron may request. Consultation with a librarian is strongly suggested to assist with selection of appropriate articles. - GIL Express
GIL Express is a book sharing program between the USG libraries. Patrons may use GIL Express to request their books directly from the lending library. Patrons are encouraged to search for their book in the Universal Catalog before requesting the item through ILL. Visit the GIL Express Information Page to learn more. - Textbooks
Interlibrary Loan cannot be used as a substitute for purchasing class textbooks and all requests to borrow textbooks will be denied. - Interlibrary Loan Charges
Interlibrary Loan service is provided free of cost to eligible borrowers. Borrowers are responsible for any overdue charges ($1.00 per day) and for replacement costs for lost items. The lending library decides the replacement charge for lost items. A BANNER hold may be placed on a student's account at any time due to overdue ILL books. Students with holds cannot register or obtain grades and/or transcripts. - How to request an item through Interlibrary Loan
Complete the online form for books or articles and submit. Patrons will be notified via campus e-mail when the item has arrived. Articles will be electronically delivered to the borrower's email account unless otherwise requested. Delivery time is dependent upon the difficulty of the request, proximity of the lending library (for books), and the number of requests to be processed. - Loan Period
The lending library determines the length of the loan and restrictions concerning the use of the material. Renewals may or may not be granted, depending upon the policy of the lending library. Requests for renewals must be made to the Interlibrary Loan office prior to the due date and cannot be made using the patron's GIL account.
Visit the Interlibrary Loan web page for more information.
Lost and Damaged Materials
All MGA Library borrowers are responsible for the items checked out to their library account. MGA students with outstanding library materials will have a block placed in BANNER on their student record and they will not be allowed to register or obtain grades/transcripts until the material has been returned or paid for. Library shelves will be carefully searched before such a block is placed. Other MGA Library users who are consistently delinquent in returning library material may have their library privileges revoked.
Replacement Fee
The replacement fee for any lost or damaged book or media item is the actual cost of the item. Should the Library not be able to determine the estimated cost of a lost or damaged item, the replacement fee will be $50.
In addition to the replacement costs, borrowers must pay all overdue fines that have accumulated. Borrowers will be refunded the replacement cost only if they should find and return the item. Overdue fines will not be reimbursed.
- Study rooms are first come first served; no holds or reserves are available. Individuals studying alone will be asked to vacate a study room should a group request the space. A group is two or more students present when the request is made. Preference is also given to currently enrolled MGA students and currently employed MGA staff and faculty.
- Please keep all food and drinks away from the computer work area. Leave no trace. Let's keep our study rooms in good shape!
- Public Safety will be notified of any unattended belongings in study room spaces. To pick up personal belongings visit Public Safety on your designated campus.
- These study rooms are not sound proof, therefore please be conscientious of video, music, and conversation volume.