Banner / SWORDS
Important Links
Using SWORDS to Register
SWORDS is your gateway to the Banner Student Information System. This system provides access to registration, grades, class schedules, transcripts, financial aid status, account balances, and much more.
**IMPORTANT NOTE: Additional fees for proctored exams may apply to online classes for which you register**
Student Financial Responsibility Agreement Notice
Recent court rulings require that terms of the contractual relationship between the student and the college be provided to the student and a record of the agreement be maintained by the college. All students are required to renew their acknowledgement to the agreement July 1 of each year through their SWORDS account in order to continue to register for classes.
Until you complete the Financial Agreement authorization in SWORDS, you will have this hold on your student account:
- RA – Registration-Financial Agrmnt. Reason – Authorize fin agreement SWORDS.
How to complete your Financial Agreement authorization:
- Login to SWORDS
- Scroll to the bottom of the screen and, with the options set to Authorize, click submit
- Wait approximately 15 minutes for your RA hold to be released
- You are done
NOTE: The paper form for student signature can be utilized under certain situations as approved by the Office of the Controller.
Inactive Students Login
Please note, this option will not give you access to view any account history/balances. You will only be able to make payments.
- Click on ‘pay as a guest'
- You will need your student ID number, and your last name.
- Select the item you wish to pay (make sure to click on ‘View all items”) if you don’t see your specific item listed, please select “Other Options” and type in the amount.
Contact us for assistance with retrieving your MGA ID number.
Announcement: Banner/SWORDS will undergo maintenance during March 12th, 11 p.m. to March 13th, 7 a.m. and will be unavailable during this time.
SWORDS Registration
SWORDS Financial Aid
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