Department Directory


    Faculty/Staff in Department

    NameTitlePhone NumberEmail
    Abdalla, Mona Flight Instructor
    Armit, Jack Flight Instructor
    Baxter, Sebastean Flight Instructor
    Behrends, H. Gene Assistant Chief Flight Instructor 478.374.6413
    Bethune, Andrew Flight Instructor
    Cataldi , Nicholas Assistant Chief Flight Instructor
    Cotton, Christopher Flight Instructor
    Droke, Kailey Flight Instructor
    Drumgoole, Joseph Flight Instructor
    Godwin, Talmadge Flight Instructor
    Guinsler, Jackson Flight Instructor
    Hall, Jeffrey Assistant Chief Flight Instructor
    Harvey, Juan Flight Instructor
    Holloway, Adam Chief Flight Instructor 478.374.6408
    Holloway, Jacob Flight Dispatcher
    Johnny, Patrick Flight Instructor
    Jones, Randi Flight Dispatcher
    Koltes, Angela Assistant Chief Flight Instructor
    Lawson, Jackson Flight Instructor
    Leckemby, Lauren Flight Instructor
    Leonhard, Phillip Flight Instructor
    Macek, Hunter Flight Instructor
    McCoy, Dylan Chief Helicopter Pilot
    Morgan, Gabriel Flight Instructor
    Murdock, Roland Assistant Check Flight Instructor
    Murphy, James Flight Instructor
    Naik, Vishva Flight Instructor
    Oxford, Misty - M.Ed Flight Ops Manager/Auditor 478-448-1024
    Parrish, Lester Dale Associate Chief Flight Instructor
    Patrick, Cainan Senior Flight Instructor- Helicopter
    Rolader, William Stage Check Flight Instructor
    Sharma, Omdutt Check Flight Instructor
    Trotter, Robert Flight Instructor
    Upperman, Jeremy Check Flight Instructor
    Van Deventer, Nicholas Flight Instructor
    Wigley, Andrew Flight Instructor - Helicopter
    Wisdom, Samuel Stage Check Flight Instructor

    If a person's information is incorrect, they will need to update their individual profile.

    If a person is in the wrong department, or a new employee has not been added or a former employee is still listed email Human Resources

    To suggest updates to a department's contact information (main department phone # or tollfree number, main department email, or department location) email Web Admin

    Please note that some changes to the directory can take up to 12 hours to appear in all directory listings.