Information for Prospective Applicants to the MSOT Program
Admission Criteria
- Official transcripts from all colleges and universities
- Minimum GPA of 3.0 or above
- All prerequisite courses (see list below) completed with a grade of C or higher (50% of the prerequisites below must be completed by the application deadline)
- Minimum of 84 semester equivalent credits (includes courses from OTA degree and prerequisite courses) from an institution that is accredited by a USDE recognized accrediting agency; 43 of these hours may be OTA courses
- Proof of a minimum of 1 year of full-time work experience as a licensed COTA (or a minimum of 1,500 hours as a fully licensed COTA)
- Current resume or curriculum vitae
- Statement of professional goals (professional philosophy/educational desires; 300 – 500 words)
- Three Letters of Recommendation (professional and/or academic)
- Copy of current U.S. occupational therapy assistant license and NBCOT certification
- An interview may be required at the discretion of the Admissions Committee
Note: The admissions process for the MSOT Program is managed through the Occupational Therapy Centralized Application Service (OTCAS).
Prerequisite Courses
MATH 1401 |
Elementary Statistics |
3 |
SOCI 1101 |
Introduction to Sociology |
3 |
PSYC 3265 |
Abnormal Psychology* |
3 |
RHAB 3010 |
Research Methods for Rehabilitation |
3 |
*Abnormal Psychology course must be at the 3000/4000 (or 300/400) level or higher.
Note: Pre-requisite courses may be completed at another institution if the courses are deemed equivalent to the same MGA courses (will be determined by the MSOT Program Director in conjunction with the Chair of the Rehabilitation Science Department). Prospective applicants may check for course equivalencies in the MGA Articulation Catalog, although not all colleges/universities are included in the catalog.
Transfer Credit:
Transfer credit is determined by the MSOT Program Director in conjunction with the Chair of the Department of Rehabilitation Science. Credit hours from Occupational Therapy professional graduate level courses taken at other institutions are not transferable.
Advanced Placement:
No advanced placement is conferred, as students enter the MSOT Program in a cohort and progress through all courses in a specific order.
Credit for Experiential Learning:
No credit is awarded for experiential learning.